• Eurodac - Statistics 2016 - factsheet

    Eurodac is a centralised EU database that collects and processes the digitalised fingerprints of asylum seekers. Set up in 2003, it is currently used by all EU-28 countries as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Eurodac stands for the EUROpean Asylum DACtyloscopy database. Pursuant to Article 8(2) of Regulation (EU) No 603/2013, at the end of each year eu-LISA

  • Eurodac - Statistics 2016 - report

    Eurodac is a centralised EU database that collects and processes the digitalised fingerprints of asylum seekers. Set up in 2003, it is currently used by all EU-28 countries as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Eurodac stands for the EUROpean Asylum DACtyloscopy database. Pursuant to Article 8(2) of Regulation (EU) No 603/2013, at the end of each year eu-LISA

  • Eurodac - List of designated authorities with access to Central System data 2017

    List of designated authorities which have access to data recorded in the Central System of Eurodac pursuant to Article 27(2) of the Regulation (EU) No 603/2013, for the purpose laid down in Article 1(1) of the same Regulation. The list was initially published on the OJ C237 on 20.07.2015. Where there are amendments thereto, the Agency shall publish once a

  • SIS II - 2016 Statistics - factsheet

    The factsheet on SIS II – 2016 Statistics highlights the main results of the data related to the statistical document of 2016.

  • SIS II - 2016 Statistics - report

    SIS II – 2016 Statistics is a public statistical document, published annually by eu-LISA, presenting a collection of data received from Member States and Associated Countries connected to SIS II together with data available from the Central SIS II, as requested by the legal instruments governing the system.

  • Eurodac Annual Report 2015

    This report includes information on the management and the performance of Eurodac in 2015. An overview of the Report is also available in the Eurodac 2015 Annual Report - Factsheet.

  • eu-LISA Annual Conference 2016 Report

    JHATech 2016 Aligning the capabilities of technology with policy priorities in the areas of migration and internal security Evolution of the JHA landscape in recent years has brought different challenges to the fore. Those working in the field are challenged by an apparent increase in the threat of terrorism, changing patterns and trends in migration and an expectation that the

  • Protecting Large-scale IT systems developed and/or managed by eu-LISA from modern threats

    Security must be a core element of all activities undertaken in an IT-focussed organisation. eu-LISA, for legislative reasons but also as a centre of excellence in the provisions of IT services, emphasises assurance of system and data security in all of its activities. Modern technology when appropriately chosen and implemented facilitates strong IT security and information assurance. Yet such is