• SIS II - 2020 Statistics - Report

    SIS II – 2020 Statistics is the annual public statistical document, published by eu-LISA, presenting a collection of data received from Member States and Associated Countries connected to SIS together with data available from the Central SIS system, as per the legal instruments governing the system. This report is accompanied by a factsheet that can also be found on this

  • SIS II - List of competent authorities 2020

    Each year, since it assumed the operational management of the system, eu-LISA publishes the list of competent authorities which are authorised to directly search the data contained in SIS II as well as the list of National SIS II offices and the SIRENE Bureaux. All linguistic versions are available in the Official Journal of the European Union (05.06.2020, OJ C

  • SIS II - 2019 - Statistics - report

    SIS II – 2019 Statistics is the annual public statistical document, published by eu-LISA, presenting a collection of data received from Member States and Associated Countries connected to SIS together with data available from the Central SIS system, as per the legal instruments governing the system. This report is accompanied by a factsheet that can also be found on this

  • SIS II Technical Report 2017-2018

    Report on the technical functioning of of the central SIS II and the its communication infrastructure, including aspects related to security and the bilateral and multilateral exchange of supplementary information between Member States.

  • SIS II - List of competent authorities 2019

    Each year, since it assumed the operational management of the system, eu-LISA publishes the list of competent authorities which are authorised to directly search the data contained in SIS II as well as the list of National SIS II offices and the SIRENE Bureaux. All linguistic versions are available in the Official Journal of the European Union (02.07.2019, OJ C

  • SIS II - 2018 Statistics - report

    SIS – 2018 Statistics is the annual public statistical document, published by eu-LISA, presenting a collection of data received from Member States and Associated Countries connected to SIS together with data available from the Central SIS system, as per the legal instruments governing the system.