
On Friday 21 July, eu-LISA welcomed in the headquarters of the Agency the members of the Standing Committee on Operational Cooperation on Internal Security (COSI) and the Coordinating Committee in the Area of Police and Juridical Cooperation in Criminal Matters (CATS).

The Executive Director Krum Garkov greeted the joint delegation of around 30 members of the Council of the European Union two working groups, operating in the area of home affairs and justice. Presentations were given by the Head of the General Coordination Unit Mailis Pukonen and the Head of the Operations Department Bernard Kirch who highlighted the tasks and responsibilities of eu-LISA, operating the current EU large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, as well as the enhanced mandate of the Agency, proposed by the European Commission on 29 June, currently discussed by the co-legislators. 

The visit into eu-LISA was part of the meetings under the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The joint informal meeting of COSI and CATS took place on 20 and 21 July. eu-LISA was represented at this meeting by the Executive Director, who gave a presentation about the interoperability solutions for large-scale IT systems, and the Head of the General Coordination Unit.

eu-LISA Contacts:

e-mail: press [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (press[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)

for general information: info [at] eulisa [dot] europa [dot] eu (info[at]eulisa[dot]europa[dot]eu)