The Interoperability Advisory Group meets regularly since January 2020. It reports after each meeting to the Interoperability Programme Management Board. The Advisory Group is composed of national project managers of all 27 European Union member states and a representative of the European Commission, with the four associated countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) an the EU Agencies Eurojust, Europol and Frontex acting as observers.
eu-LISA chairs the Advisory Group until the Interoperability components (Common Identity Repository, Common Repository for Reporting and Statistics, European Search Portal, Multiple Identity Detector, shared Biometric Matching Service) have been implemented and the project goes live.
The Advisory Group provides technical expertise to support the tasks of the Interoperability Programme Management Board and follows up on the state of preparation of all future users. Further to that, the Interoperability Advisory Group provides eu-LISA with expertise related to Interoperability components in particular in the context of the preparation of the Agency's annual work programme and its annual activity reports.
Further Reading
Rules for the prevention and management of conflict of interest concerning the members of the Management Board and members of the Advisory Groups.